Clearing Up Some Confusion

I’ve been thinking about this post for a long time, wondering if I should really go ahead and write it, and it seems like a good idea that I do it. Running a business like mine is interesting. On one hand, I do not need a warehouse or inventory, which greatly simplifies my business; on the other hand, the items I sell could be passed around and used by multiple people without me knowing.

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Updates, News, and More!

Tomorrow is an exciting day for me. My children and I are traveling to Canada to see my dad's family, including my grandmother who will be 101 at the end of the month. Some of you might remember that my grandfather passed away last December at the age of 106 (longevity runs in my family!). I didn't get to see him before he died so I am anxious to spend some time with my grandmother.

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The Best Change of All

I know you haven't seen a lot of me lately, but I'm still around. This move has been a huge effort and things are calming down. Soon, I will have more time to put into blogging and making new materials...but not just because the move is almost over. For several years, my husband, Bruce, and I have talked about him quitting his job in the corporate world and joining me full time with Montessori for Everyone. There's so much more that could be done with MFE, but with me also homeschooling it's hard to expand the business.

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