Our Home Classroom Part 2: Language

As I mentioned in an earlier post, my family recently moved to a new house and I have had a great time setting up a classroom in the basement for my children, ages 9 and 6. Today I'd like to cover what I've done for their language studies; while this is in a home classroom, it's very similar to what I did in my school classrooms, just smaller.

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Setting Up Pink Series Work

Many years ago I taught at Midwest Montessori School, the school that was run by the Midwest Montessori Teacher Training Center. Because it was a training center school, our classroom was visited by many Montessori teachers and interns. One thing I noticed was that any people who visited were very interested in the set up and layout of the materials on the shelves. It seems that no matter how long you've been doing Montessori, there's always a new way to arrange the work.

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Helpful Foreign Language Resources

Since many people have emailed me and asked for foreign language resources in a Montessori style, I thought I’d put together some helpful links. Keep in mind that even if the material isn’t inherently Montessori, it certainly can be used in the Montessori classroom or home. I like using a variety of materials when studying a language so that different kinds of learning styles are covered.

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Doubling Your Grammar Materials with Simple Extensions

Today, we're going to look at some fun grammar extensions that can be done inexpensively, using the grammar materials you already have or common items from around your classroom. I like the sound of that! I've also included some recommendations for helpful story books about grammar.

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