6 Terrific Tips for Working with Toddlers
A little while ago, I wrote a post about the effectiveness of logical consequences. In it, I mentioned that logical consequences generally don't work with very young children (say, under…
A little while ago, I wrote a post about the effectiveness of logical consequences. In it, I mentioned that logical consequences generally don't work with very young children (say, under…
Many people do not realize that Montessori can begin at birth, or even before, as preparations are made for the baby's arrival. Many Montessori schools offer infant programs, and it's…
When is it too early to start Montessori? As the song says, the beginning is "a very good place to start!" Can you tell I watched The Sound of Music…
Welcome to the next post in the Montessori Basics series! This one is an overview of basic materials for the toddler classroom. While Maria Montessori put 0-3 year olds in a subgroup of the 0-6 plane of development, most schools have an infant room and a toddler room, separating the environments.
I came across this list the other day - it's something I put together for a mom's group that I spoke to about reading and children. I thought it might…
My sister, who lives in New York, came to visit over the holidays. While at my house, she sat down in our classroom area and started asking questions about the…
Time for a little more about toddlers! I will share what my daughter is currently doing right now. She loves the set of three hex bolt boards available from many…
I've been doing a lot of posts about working with my son, so I thought I'd sneak one in about toddlers. My daughter is 2 1/2, so she's nearing the…