New Materials by Month

Many of you purchase CD-ROMs from me, and then are interested in buying new files when they come out. So, I thought I'd put up a handy post with a list of new materials by month. My records go back to February 2008, so that's where I'll start. I'll be updating this list every month, and linking to it from the New Materials page. So, you'll always be able to check back here and see the new items every month.

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What Are the Geography and Botany Charts All About?

Yesterday I debuted two new items at my store, the Geography Impressionistic Charts 6-9 and the Botany Impressionistic Charts. I’ve spent the past two months doing research, writing, and picture hunting to make these items and I’m very pleased with the results. However, I realized that it might be helpful to talk about the charts, how they originated, the thought process behind them, and how they are used.

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Helpful Foreign Language Resources

Since many people have emailed me and asked for foreign language resources in a Montessori style, I thought I’d put together some helpful links. Keep in mind that even if the material isn’t inherently Montessori, it certainly can be used in the Montessori classroom or home. I like using a variety of materials when studying a language so that different kinds of learning styles are covered.

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Doubling Your Grammar Materials with Simple Extensions

Today, we're going to look at some fun grammar extensions that can be done inexpensively, using the grammar materials you already have or common items from around your classroom. I like the sound of that! I've also included some recommendations for helpful story books about grammar.

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